
This site, scriptureroots.com, was made to assist in the study and appreciation of the Word of God, the Holy Bible. No book is greater, more wonderful, or more important than the Holy Bible. We use the KJV. The Scriptures have been formed by more than 30 authors. There are 39 Old Testament books and 27 New Testament books, and these authors and books all contribute to one goal, to show God's truth. There are different themes introduced, and then expanded upon throughout. I pray that you may experience the wonder of this great Book, and grow in the riches of the Wisdom of God. May your Scripture roots go deeper and deeper in God's love and faith.

Navigating the site

On the home page, there are examples of different scriptureroots. To start creating your own, create a free account. They are wonderful to have on a mobile device. There is also a way to add friends who also have an account, and to send your creations to them. There is also a flashcard feature for scriptural memorization. Questions, helpful comments, or website concerns may be sent to contact@scriptureroots.com. God bless you.

Note, while creating the site, the scriptureroots are still being established. They are coming soon though.